I think not. I know so many of you out there who's world revolves around my blog HAHA thought that time may have stopped mid-January, but I was just missing in action! I was on such a roll there, I'm not sure what happened, but I did appreciate all the comments and suggestions that I re-continue! (if that is even a word)
Here I sit in a hotel in Colby, Kansas and thought I would take a minute to update my blog. Unfortunately I don't have my camera, so my pictures posting will be limited (definitely the favorite part of my posts), but I will take a few minutes to update on the past 2 months of our lives.

Shortly after my last post our fearless leader Christopher turned 28 years old! We had a good celebration at Kiku resturant, and the girls had a great time helping dad open his gifts of Gituar Hero, The Office season 3 dvd, and his Merrell shoes! Zoey loved helping me bake a cake and it was so fun.
Valentines day followed with our family "tradition" of eating dinner at Burger King, you'd be amazed how slow business is there on Valentines day! :) Zoey and Daddy got to enjoy the Sweetheart dinner date night at Awana's that same week. Cadee wasn't up to the late night so it went from family night to date night for Zoey and Daddy, they had a great time and it was a wonderful opportunity for us to branch out into the community a little more. I have to put in my plug for Chris, we did go out the following weekend and spent some fun times at Laughing Matters with Jana, Matt, Wayne, and Kelly.
Exciting news on Valentines Day, Sarah got engaged to Brad! Sounds like a June 2009 wedding, so we are very excited for them. 2009 will bring lots of wedding celebration!
Late February our family attended a wedding for friend's of Chris's from his work. Zoey had been to a wedding as a baby but didn't remember any of it. We were taking the opportunity to try and explain what a wedding was and about how Aunt Sarah and Aunt Jana would be getting married soon. Zoey obviously mis-understood as she announced so loudly "Aunt Jana is SOOO pretty" Aunt Jana wasn't in the wedding, but a brunette bridesmaid passed by and was mistaken for her! :) Gotta love a 3 year old!
March brought some tougher times for me. Early in March my Grandpa Krien had a heart attack and was admitted to the Northern Colorado Medical Center. From there we found out that he had many other serious health conditions that made everything hard to treat. He passed away a few short days after finding all of this out. It was hard for me to loose my last grandparent, and yet at the same time it was a mixed blessing, he didn't have to suffer and it didn't get drug out, which would have been so hard on a man like my Grandpa. My sister and I took a trip to St. Francis for the service, and it was a healthy time for me to be able to focus on my family and what was happening.
My mom was able to come up for Easter weekend/my birthday. Jana, Mom and I had a fun girls day to Kansas City where we got to enjoy some shopping and a fablous meal at the Cheesecake factory, so that was fun. After attending a 9:30 service we joined Chris's extended family at his Dad's house for Easter lunch and birthday celebrations. My birthday fell on Monday, the day mom had to leave to go home. That morning she asked, how old are you? 27? I said no mom, I'm 28. She said, You're almost 30!! I said, mom, you are not helping! haha :)
Diane, Dave, Sarah joined us for a tasty birthday meal at Kiku resturant. Following the dinner, I attended my second meeting of of the ladies Auburn Christian Bible Studay. We meet on Monday nights and I am so excited to be a part of this. Their commeradery is great, and I am excited to be growing in my walk with Christ! I used my Barnes and Noble Gift card that I received from my father-in-law to buy a new Bible recommended by one of the ladies there. It is a New Living Translation that I was not formerly familiar with and it is so wonderful. It is a translation done in 1996, and it is such an easier read than anything I have attempted to read before and it is so helpful to have explenations, background, and timelines as I go along. Our Bible study is focusing about Celebrating Life and Living in the moment, not in the future or the past, which is a good focus for me, as I am terrible about doing both.
The day following my birthday I was excited to be able to get together for dinner with a dear friend of mine. We used to work together, and don't see each other that often, but are excellent pen pals and support each other through that. Hope we will be able to do that more often.
Trying to think what else I need to include to bridge the gap and go from here....
Poor Barney. Ever since our journey to western Kansas, he has been suffering from a limp. I had taken him to the vet several weeks ago and their suggestion was to confine him best we could and give him some pain med. We tried that for several weeks and unfortunately the limp has not subsided, so this Monday we decided to bite the bullet and take him in for Xrays. Took him in at lunch planning to pick him up after work and know what we could do from there. Got a call around 4 pm and their equipment had malfunctioned so the pictures they took did not turn out good enough. So despite the fact that he had been sedated, the pictures were no good and we'll have to redo later in the week. Bummer for Barney, he was so sleepy and out of it on Monday night, he looked so pitiful! Now we are patiently waiting to hear that their equipment has been repaired so we can take him back in for new Xrays.
Never fear I have big plans of posting more pictures when I have them available to me (i.e. Easter, etc). Now the real question is how many of you will even check this without me spreading the word, or have you all given up on me!
Till next time, hope you are well! Love to all!