Last night was the last night of Awanas. But as Zoey would put it "NO it is not the last night, we will take a rest and then come again!" She loves going and I'm sure will miss it this summer. But we will plenty to do with swimming lessons, and vacation Bible school.
It was Awards night and the whole family went. Chris and I went up to accept Zoey's award with her since all of her studying and "homework" involved us reading and helping her memorize her versus.
Cadee did pretty well, got a little restless, but what can you expect. We all enjoyed refreshments and social time downstairs afterwards.

Poor Cadee woke up this morning w/ a 102 temperature and took her into the doctors to find out she has an ear infection, and too much wax buildup (after cleaning her ears out after every bath we knew she was a waxy girl) but they gave us some antibiotics for the infection and some drops to help her ears stay cleaner. So Chris stayed home w/ her this morning and I am home this afternoon. Been pretty quiet for me, as she has been sleeping since I got home at 11:45.
She went to bed fine (and extra tired since it was late, but woke up miserable). Hope she feels better soon!