2008 rolled in and I started checking ticket prices. I was thrilled to find a $200 ticket and when I shared the great price with my Mom, she wanted to come along to visit her sister.
A couple of Thursdays ago (gosh time is getting away on me) Mom made the treacherous trip up. She was fighting a snow storm when she left NW Kansas, but made it up alright. We left Friday afternoon when I got off work, and got to the airport in plenty of time. Unfortunately each of our flights, we had a layover in Milwaukee, had an hour delay, so we didn't arrive in Minnesota till after midnight, way after my bedtime!
After spending the night in Krystal and Cory's adorable townhome (I'm so jealous of her knack for decorating) we got up and knew we had a big day of shopping ahead of us! :) Mall of America here we come. We went to the bare essentials store and got makeovers, which was so fun! I had only been doing the makeup with the help of Krystal over the phone and the video, so it was fun to have feedback and try new products with a professional.
After lunch we headed up to an outlet mall, which was very fun. They had an outlet coach store that was so busy! They had some great deals, wish we had one like that closer! Krystal and Cory took me to a local grill for dinner and we hung out and reminisced over pictures at her home. Sunday morning she took me to a church they are considering for a home and I thought the pastor was fantastic, a really great speaker. We went to my Aunt's house for lunch where I got to see the rest of my family that lives in the cities. It was nice to see them all.
The weekend was over way too quickly. Monday Krystal had a work related
errand she had to tend to downtown before meeting Mom, Aunt Beth, and I for lunch. After lunch we were dropped off at the airport and the flights home went smoothly and were on time!

It was so fun to walk in the door and see Zoey so excited to see me. I really enjoyed my weekend away, but it was great to see Chris and my kiddos again!