Enjoyed some time outside. Actually we spent a little quality time with our beloved generator (when I think of how many time it has made blog posts, its a little uncanny). But we decided that we should be safe of not needing it anymore this season and wanted to try and drain out the gas. Since we couldn't successfully undo the fuel line, we just started up the bad boy and ran it for the majority of the afternoon. We rolled it back behind our shed, (to minimize the noise hazard for us) but I don't think our neighbors had much of an appreciation for it. At least it is over for the season. (And that is what they get for me listening to all the generators last ice storm and I wa
s cold and without one!)
When Cadee woke up from her nap, thought we would take a walk to the park, that was fun to get outside together and it is a nice stroll from here. Thought I would share some pictures from the park and some pictures of Cadee with her styling First shoes! My baby is growing up.
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