What a great day to go to the zoo. The zoo was celebrating earth day and
there was all kinds of free goodies, snacks, drinks, coloring information. The weather was so nice and there was a lot of people, but not too crowded. We really had a great time. I am so kicking myself for not bringing my camera. Guess was too rushed getting out the door.

Saturday evening after mowing, we got to grill out and all took a long walk around the neighborhood, it was so great to get out and enjoy spring!
Sunday morning Chris and Matt went out super early to try their luck at Turkey Hunting, no luck for them, but they did catch a nasty beaver that has been bothering Matt and his fishing pond.
After Chris got home and cleaned up we decided to visit the Christian Church service there in Auburn. I am so enjoying the ladies in my Bible study from there we thought we would visit (and didn't want to travel back into Topeka again for the $$ gas). The people there are very nice and seems to be very community focused. It was a good experience. Several people from the church called in the afternoon and came by to visit to thank us for coming by and to see if we had any questions. It was a nice touch, they really care.
Sunday evening we headed out to Vicki's as we had promised several weeks ago that we would bring Barney out so he could meet Dennis. It was fun to go and visit them. She has stuff out for her grandchildren that Zoey loves to play with. She has all wooden floors so Cadee was able to get around just peachy! She took a look at Barney's sore and was pretty concerned, she had never seen anything like it. (make me a bit concerned, since she runs a rescue and has seen all kinds of doggie owies). For now we'll just keep an eye on it as he seems to be getting better.
I really was able to enjoy this weekend, Monday comes all too quickly! :)