We have not had a quiet weekend since before the holidays began, so it was great to be able to spend some time at home and get some cleaning done before Chris gets ready for a spell of work travels.
Sunday morning there was a Baptism Birthday part held at Faith for all of the baptised babies of 2007. So we gathered our family after Sunday School and service, and decided to attend. We were the only ones who showed up! Couldn't believe it. I know when we went to Zoeys several years ago, we were 1 of like 3 families, but we still had a good time. They gave Cadee a picture Bible, and we talked about all of our baptisms, went through some prayers and did a rememberence with some water and candles that were provided, singing this little light of mine. I think that Zoey enjoyed it as much as anything.
I have some great Daddy posts to share in this one as well. Last night right before bed, Daddy had gone to play some computer
games and was quickly joined by the girls who were just mezmorized by the screen. Daddy also painted Zoey's toe and finger nails this evening, and that just really made her day. Then I got a great picture of Daddy reading Cadee her new pictuer Bible for her good night story. I think this just means that Daddy needs to get some
more pictures of me! ;) haha
This afternoon our neighbor who helped us install the switch for the generator came back over and walked us through a test run of the cutover. He did such a great job, it will be very easy during our next outage to get us back up and going again. I was thankful to go through that with him. We also spent some time practicing with Barney on a leash, walking down the block, between that and all the running in the yard, he was one tuckered puppy this evening!
Earlier this week I found out that I was elected to be a part of our profit sharing board at work.
I had put my name up for the election last year but didn't have any luck, so I was thrilled to win the vote this year. Martin Tractor has a 401k managed plan with trustees and several elected and appointed board members. I will serve a 3 year term, and I very much look forward to learning more about our plan, and I feel honored for those who voted for me. Of course they asked for a picture, so they could post it, and it is so hard to just stand there and get your picture taken like you are going in for a drivers licens pictures, so I had Chris take some before I had left that morning and this was the best we could come up with, nothing to brag about, but better than what they took at work, so what can I say. :)
Last July when we went up to the Johnson family reunion, I had talked to my cousin Krystal in Minnesota about coming to see her, it seems to get so long in between our visits, we talked about me coming up after the first of the year. (she did come to visit me last). I did some ticket price searching this week, and came accross a ticket deal I couldn't pass up (only $217 round trip!), so looks like I will be going to visit her for a weekend in April. I am very excited, it should be a really fun weekend.
We experimented with some crockpot ribs today that just turned out fablous.
It was such a nice quiet weekend at home, I'm always amazed how fast time goes. Till next time!.....
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