Thursday, December 13, 2007

Zoey's 1st Christmas Program

Dress rehersal on Sunday the 2nd, was a little scary. Zoey was a little nervous and it was rubbing off on Mom! :) She wasn't sure about standing up on the platform in the front of the church. As much as she had sang and sang in the car, not a word was coming from her mouth. The quivering of the lip was too much, so after I went up and behind the stage, life was a little better after encouraging wisperings from me and Miss Michelle the teacher would hold her hand a little bit.

After the nerve-racking dress rehersal, I wasn't sure how the cutest "lamb" would do in the Christmas program!

Zoey blew me away! She looked so pretty and did so good standing up on the platform and singing her songs. I was so proud! Despite the nasty icy weather many family members made it out to watch her as well. It was a fun time, and we all went out for lunch for Zoey's success.

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