Friday, January 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Nana

Wanted to wish Nana a happy birthday this since her birthday was earlier this week. We went to Kiku love this picture that we got with Cadee and her.last night to celebrate and had a great time. I just

Quick update on my washing machine. After a month of no washer, I am doing the happy dance with my repaired washer! I have never been so happy to do laundry. Laundry life is good again!
Now if everyone could kick our colds, we'd be even better! TGIF.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Zoey's First trip to the Dentist!!

I am so proud to be writing this post because Zoey had her first trip to the dentist this morning and she did awesome!! She was so brave and not shy and did everything that they asked. She held her mouth open so well as they counted her 20 teeth, she let them clean them, polish them, and floss them. Everyone was so happy with the way things went today.

Zoey loved "riding" in the special chair, she loved that Sponge Bob was on above her so that she could watch, and she loved the "spit sucker." She got her mouth rinsed several extra times just so she could use that. She also enjoyed that special small mirror that she got to hold several times, wearing the special sunglasses. She choose the vanilla flavored polish, and liked that the hygenist's gloves smelled like grape! When I was busy scheduling the next appointment, she crawled right back up in the chair so that she could watch some more cartoons!

They are concerned that she might have a bit of an crossbite and that they might want to put a pallet-extender in the next year and a half. I guess your pallet stops growing at age 6, so if we wanted to help this we have a limited time frame. Her teeth are a little mis-aligned from her finger sucking so braces are probably inevitabled but if we can do the pallet extender and curb the finger sucking now, we will be much better in the long run. Lot for me to take in this morning as the mom of a 3.5 year old! :)

Zoey was very proud too, everything went great, so we got another appointment scheduled in 6 months, picked out our Dora toothbrush, Sponge Bob toothpaste, and because it was our first time, we got to pick out of a special drawer, there were stuffed dogs, and stuffed bears, and lots of cuddly things, but Zoey went right for the temporary tattos in shapes of scars and lizard eyes! I couldn't belive it. I'm thinking (or mentally justifying) that she is really into stickers right now and she thought they were stickers? :)

Anyway, till next time!

Sunday, January 13, 2008


We have not had a quiet weekend since before the holidays began, so it was great to be able to spend some time at home and get some cleaning done before Chris gets ready for a spell of work travels.

Sunday morning there was a Baptism Birthday part held at Faith for all of the baptised babies of 2007. So we gathered our family after Sunday School and service, and decided to attend. We were the only ones who showed up! Couldn't believe it. I know when we went to Zoeys several years ago, we were 1 of like 3 families, but we still had a good time. They gave Cadee a picture Bible, and we talked about all of our baptisms, went through some prayers and did a rememberence with some water and candles that were provided, singing this little light of mine. I think that Zoey enjoyed it as much as anything.

I have some great Daddy posts to share in this one as well. Last night right before bed, Daddy had gone to play some computer games and was quickly joined by the girls who were just mezmorized by the screen. Daddy also painted Zoey's toe and finger nails this evening, and that just really made her day. Then I got a great picture of Daddy reading Cadee her new pictuer Bible for her good night story. I think this just means that Daddy needs to get some more pictures of me! ;) haha

This afternoon our neighbor who helped us install the switch for the generator came back over and walked us through a test run of the cutover. He did such a great job, it will be very easy during our next outage to get us back up and going again. I was thankful to go through that with him. We also spent some time practicing with Barney on a leash, walking down the block, between that and all the running in the yard, he was one tuckered puppy this evening!
Earlier this week I found out that I was elected to be a part of our profit sharing board at work. I had put my name up for the election last year but didn't have any luck, so I was thrilled to win the vote this year. Martin Tractor has a 401k managed plan with trustees and several elected and appointed board members. I will serve a 3 year term, and I very much look forward to learning more about our plan, and I feel honored for those who voted for me. Of course they asked for a picture, so they could post it, and it is so hard to just stand there and get your picture taken like you are going in for a drivers licens pictures, so I had Chris take some before I had left that morning and this was the best we could come up with, nothing to brag about, but better than what they took at work, so what can I say. :)

Last July when we went up to the Johnson family reunion, I had talked to my cousin Krystal in Minnesota about coming to see her, it seems to get so long in between our visits, we talked about me coming up after the first of the year. (she did come to visit me last). I did some ticket price searching this week, and came accross a ticket deal I couldn't pass up (only $217 round trip!), so looks like I will be going to visit her for a weekend in April. I am very excited, it should be a really fun weekend.
We experimented with some crockpot ribs today that just turned out fablous.
It was such a nice quiet weekend at home, I'm always amazed how fast time goes. Till next time!.....

Washing Machine

I am quickly realizing how spoiled I was amongst birthday's and the holidays how easy it was to come up with topics for blogging, now I am focusing back on the entertaining basics of everday life. :)

I know that I have so much to be thankful for, but if you had asked me a month ago, I would have come up with quite the list, I know I would have missed the washing machine, but my eyes have been opened to a whole new light!!

A few days before we left for our Krien Christmas our washer stopped spraying water into the tub, so we called Factory Direct to get repairs, and despite us calling so early, the earliest we could be seen was the 1st Thursday in the new year. I'll leave a lot of the ugly out, but needless to say, this Tuesday (Jan 15th) we are hoping that they will back out with the part that will fix us up for good. A month without a washer is a LONG time with a family of 4, but we've survived amongst the oceans of dirty laundry, generous family letting us use their machines, and only 1 trip to the laundry mat.

Kind of a dreary post, so I thought that I would include some entertainig pictures of Barney. He sure is growing fast. I just love this yawning pictures.

Monday, January 7, 2008

First weekend in 2008

was busy!! :) Friday night we got to go out with our friends Wayne and Kelly. Chris and Wayne had won Hu Hot gift cards from the Christmas decorating contest at work, so that was fun to celebrate with them, and then we went to Laughing Matters and had a great time there as well. Papa Craig and Grandma Di spent their evening with the girls.
Bright and Early Saturday morning Barney and I were off to the vet for our 2nd round of shots. He is a proud 21.8 lbs, and just growing like a weed! His ears are all cleared up now, and he was just proud as ever and didn't want to get off the scale when it was time to go home.

Later that mornning we went off to JC Penny's where the girls got their pictures taken. I've been meaning to get Cadee's pictures taken since her birthday, but between the holidays and sickness, this was my first real opportunity. (Cadee was so sleepy from her evening with her grandparents that we had to wake her up at 9:30 to get ready! ) I am SO excited because they turned out so great. Also got some great pics of Zoey despite the bruise on her cheek as she fell into a doorjam on the way out the door.

Then it was off for me to do 5 loads of laundry at the laundry mat, we are n where near caught up, but at least we are functional again! I am so anxioius to get this machine fixed or our the door. Its amazing how much laundry our house produces, and even more appaling how much the laundry mat charges for a load!! $1.75 to wash, and $.25 for 6 minutes in the dryer!!! We can pay for a new washer in no time with those kinds of charges. Thursday can't come soon enough (the repair man returns, so we can find out if its worth repairing or not).

Meanwhile I was bonding with some interesting folks at the laundry mat, Chris ran the girls home to get them down for naps. Aunt Sarah came out to spend some time with the girls while Chris and I got some errands ran in town.

Aunt Sarah and Zoey had a lot of fun putting together this gingerbread house, and despite someone trying to eat all the decorations, it turned out really well. Zoey was really proud, and Sarah was thankful it was still standing the next morning.

Chris and I ran around pricing different washers in case we become in the market for a new one after Thursday, looked for some different work shoes for him, picked up a few groceries, washed my car, and had a fablous dinner at Carlos OKellys. (One of our favorites!)

Sunday morning brought church, Sunday School, and dinner with Chris's grandparents and parents. Sunday afternoon brought a big long nap for me and the girls, while Chris got caught up on his video games! :)

Busy first weekend of 2008, but wonderful all the same. Hope everyone is off to a great new year!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year 2008!

As I lay in bed last night at 2 AM (yes you read that right, all of you who know me oh so well, and know I am usually zonked out for sure by 9:30) realizing that the 11 pm coffee was a mistake, I realized that I was bummed that I didn't have any pictures to post of my fablous New Years evening.

Blogging has been very motivational for me to take more pictures, and that is fun.

This evening our friends Wayne and Kelly came over for some chili, cinnamon rolls, and games. We had a great time watching Office Space and playing the super fun game of Cranium. Chris and I hadn't ever played that before, but it was girls vs. boys, and Kelly and I won both times!

It was a really fun evening, and the first new years I had stayed up to watch it come in in several years.

We celebrated with a little champange at midnight, and all wish for 2008 to be the best year so far!

Lassman Christmas

I debated on putting "Lassman Christmas" or "Last Christmas" as the title of this blog since they were so close! :)

On Saturday we spent the day in Chanute with Chris's grandparents celebrating with that side of the family. His grandparents really enjoy seeing the girls, it was fun to be able to do that with them.

His grandma made these beautiful afgans for Chris and the girls, and I know they are something we will treasure forever. Its amazing how well they do at 83? years old. We are so lucky for our girls to be able to get to know them, and it is easy for me to appreciate with 3 of my grandparents already passed on.

I've been giving Chris a hard time, because he was helping get dinner on the table and when he took the pan of scallopped potatoes out of the oven, he sat (unknowningly) the pan on a hot burner and the pan just shattered!!! Never seen anything like it, but needless to say, we didn't have scallopped potatoes that day for lunch.

It has been a wonderful and blessed Christmas season, but after 5 celebrations, I am thankful for the new year to be here!