Saturday, November 10, 2007

Willie goes to the vet!

So today was the big day. Back in our "Max" days Max needed to have his second set of vaccinations in November, so when I made that appointment (which I later had to cancel) I went ahead and made an appointment for Willie to come and be checked in as well.

(not Willie's best photo, but in the other 2 I took, Zoey wasn't smiling and Chris wasn't looking!)

We were all going to go, but Cadee got tired and ready for a nap, so she and I stayed home.
Its been almost 4 years since Willie has seen a Vet. What can I say, he's inside 98% of his life, he doesn't get out much. He's been really healthy thus far (knock on wood). :) So I figured we better get him in and checked out.

We really liked our experience with Max and the Auburn Animal clinic, so I think that we'll be changing Willie to them as well. We did go to Lifelong Pet Care at 29th and Kansas, but due to availability and prices, I think we'll be making the switch.

The vet had good things to say about Willie. He's 30.5 pounds, lighter than we had thought, those stairs are good for him! :) Although she's like to see him drop another 5 pounds, we'll see what we can do! Looks good, his heart sounds good, yea! Probably won't let it get another 4 years before the next time.

Yea Willie! We love you.

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