(not Willie's best photo, but in the other 2 I took, Zoey wasn't smiling and Chris wasn't looking!)
We were all going to go, but Cadee got tired and ready for a nap, so she and I stayed home.
Its been almost 4 years since Willie has seen a Vet. What can I say, he's inside 98% of his life, he doesn't get out much. He's been really healthy thus far (knock on wood). :) So I figured we better get him in and checked out.
We really liked our experience with Max and the Auburn Animal clinic, so I think that we'll be changing Willie to them as well. We did go to Lifelong Pet Care at 29th and Kansas, but due to availability and prices, I think we'll be making the switch.
The vet had good things to say about Willie. He's 30.5 pounds, lighter than we had thought,
those stairs are good for him! :) Although she's like to see him drop another 5 pounds, we'll see what we can do! Looks good, his heart sounds good, yea! Probably won't let it get another 4 years before the next time.

Yea Willie! We love you.
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