Sunday, November 25, 2007

Weekend Wrapup

Gosh, as I sit here brainstorming what I should write, lots of things are coming to my head about what I WISH I could write.

Christmas tree isn't up yet, still have some pretty major cleaning to do before next weekend when we have company for Cadee's 1st birthday party. Lots of prep for the bday party. Owell, I work best under pressure! :)

We did get most of the goodies shopped for the party, and I do have the Christmas letter written and ready for the most part to send out.

Cadee is making some progress about pivoting and getting around on her feet, walking won't be far off.

Tonight while watching the AWESOME Bears / Broncos game (PS BEARS WON in overtime if you missed it!), I called my good friend Kaycee up during half time, she's expecting her first child with a due date this week. I'm so glad I did, she's going in to be induced tonight!! I am so excited for them and can't wait to hear from them tomorrow. Sounds like we will be able to get together during Christmas time, so I am really looking forward to that. We are making plans to see a Home Bears game hopefully next season!

Willie and Barney are really coming together. We had a rough night or two, but I think that things are falling into place now. Working on the potty training, but crate training is going really well. He's still so little to expect anything yet.
Hope everyone has a good week, will be busy here. Chris will be away training for a couple of days and I will be working on the last minute stuff for company and party planning.

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