After we got home from Chanute Jana and Matt came over to meet Barney and to spend some time together for the holiday.
Jana and I found the location of our hot bargain and waited along with the few dozen other people standing around. My secret plan was to "help" Jana (read: shove) haha :) into the middle of the action to make sure that we got the quantity of the item we were looking for. The customer service lady came over and unveiled the treasure and we were able to get what we were after, but in about 45 seconds flat the entire palate was gone.
We then went after our second bargain, but realized that the best plan of attack would be to station a person at each desired item, otherwise we were probably out of luck. We did walk away with some toys that we weren't necessarily after for the girls, but when everyone else is grabbing them like hotcakes, they must be a great deal! :)
It was probably only 5:45 and the adrenaline was running so off to Kohls we went. Jana found some bargain sheets and then we went off to where we stood in line as it snaked its way through the store. We stood in line roughly an hour, but it worked out well because we took turns shopping some more, and Jana was making fun of me because most of the bargains I was picking up was things people had left behind close to the line!
By the time we left there I had to take Jana home so I could make it home in time for Chris to
get off to work. The girls and I spent a good day together and went in and joined Daddy for lunch. We also brought in Barney for his office friends to meet. It was a long day after getting up so early (I need my sleep) and the girls's naps didn't coordinate well enough for me to sneak one in of my own.
Jana and I always have fun on our Black Friday adventures. This year our wardrobe even coordinated in our Garth hoodies. :) Our radar isn't so great, so if you see us coming, get out of our way! :)
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