was busy!! :) Friday night we got to go out with our friends Wayne and Kelly. Chris and Wayne had won Hu Hot gift cards from the Christmas decorating contest at work, so that was fun to celebrate with them, and then we went to Laughing Matters and had a great time there as well. Papa Craig and Grandma Di spent their evening with the girls.
Bright and Early Saturday morning Barney and I were off to the vet for our 2nd round of shots. He is a proud 21.8 lbs, and just growing like a weed! His ears are all cleared up now, and he was just proud as ever and didn't want to get off the scale when it was time to go home.
Later that mornning we went off to JC Penny's where the girls got their pictures taken. I've been meaning to get Cadee's pictures taken since her birthday, but between the holidays and sickness, this was my first real opportunity. (Cadee was so sleepy from her evening with her grandparents that we had to wake her up at 9:30 to get ready! ) I am SO excited because they turned out so great. Also got some great pics of Zoey despite the bruise on her cheek as she fell into a doorjam on the way out the door.
Then it was off for me to do 5 loads of laundry at the laundry mat, we are n where near caught up, but at least we are functional again! I am so anxioius to get this machine fixed or our the door. Its amazing how much laundry our house produces, and even more appaling how much the laundry mat charges for a load!! $1.75 to wash, and $.25 for 6 minutes in the dryer!!! We can pay for a new washer in no time with those kinds of charges. Thursday can't come soon enough (the repair man returns, so we can find out if its worth repairing or not).
Meanwhile I was bonding with some interesting folks at the laundry mat, Chris ran the girls home to get them down for naps. Aunt Sarah came out to spend some time with the girls while Chris and I got some errands ran in town.

Aunt Sarah and Zoey had a lot of fun putting together this gingerbread house, and despite someone trying to eat all the decorations, it turned out really well. Zoey was really proud, and Sarah was thankful it was still standing the next morning.
Chris and I ran around pricing different washers in case we become in the market for a new one after Thursday, looked for some different work shoes for him, picked up a few groceries, washed my car, and had a fablous dinner at Carlos OKellys. (One of our favorites!)
Sunday morning brought church, Sunday School, and dinner with Chris's grandparents and parents. Sunday afternoon brought a big long nap for me and the girls, while Chris got caught up on his video games! :)
Busy first weekend of 2008, but wonderful all the same. Hope everyone is off to a great new year!