Early Saturday morning we headed out. We were at the Auburn Animal clinic when they opened to drop off Barney, and off we went. Willie was just crossing his toes and being extra special quiet in the car for fear the his was the next dropoff. :) (just kidding, Barney just needs to work on his house manners before we can take him visiting other homes).
For the last day or so before we left for St. Francis, Zoey kept asking if it was time to celebrate Jesus's birthday yet? She would sing to him, ask who all celebrated, it was so cute!
Jana and Matt had headed west about 1.5 hours before us, so it was nice to be able to call them and find out what we were headed into. The roads and weather really deterioated just before Salina. The snow wasn't sticking so much as it was really blowing accross the roads, we saw 3 cars in the ditches and it was really slow moving, white outs in some points, but as soon as you got west of Hays, it was blue skies and clear roads as if someone had it a switch. Either way it was so nice to get that behind us.
It was nice to go home (St. Francis) for actual Christmas. Hadn't spent the holiday out there sinced the first year that we were marred, mom was so excited to have us all at home again. We got to spend from Saturday morning till Tuesday morning there, so it was nice to have some extra time.
We opted to attend Sunday morning church services in lieu of the candelight service on
Christmas eve because of the girls. (the Candlelight service didn't start till 7 and that is about when they need to get to bed, so doing gifts after that would have been out of the question.
We had great times getting to know Matt better and had lots of fun on Christmas Eve afternoon playin Nertz around the table. We had a wonderful dinner that mom had prepareed and did our celebrating on Christmas eve.
Poor Cadee got so sick while we were there. She had coughing spells so bad it would make her throw up, and got a fever of almost 104 on Christmas eve. We thought that it was an ear infection she might have caught from big sister, so we got some medicine for that but it didn't end up helping. We took her to the doctor once we got back home and it was just congestion and wheezing in her lungs, didn't have anything to do with her ears.... oops!
Christmas eve we left out cookies, fudge and milk for Santa and boy did Zoey's eyes light up when Santa left "just a crumb" on the plate.
Christmas morning we packed up and Grandpa Dean came down to join us for breakfast. Zoey helped him open his gifts from us and then we got on the road. There was another storm on the way but we just missed. We left about 9ish and mom said by 11 it was almost a white out again (in ws ks it doesn't take much, with the wind they get there). So I was thankful for the good memories we made out there and that we missed both storms.
I had to take this cute picture of Zoey because this is the first time that she used earphones with her DVD player and when she gets so concentrated on what she is watching she starts to frown, so cute!
Also while were in St. Francis we got to go and visit my good friend Kaycee and her little baby Madison. Madison was just adorable and so makes me miss those baby days. Kaycee looked tired, but I think they are doing well.
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