I realied how far behind in my blogging I have gotten, so I've decided to catch up on the latest events and then go from there. So things might be a little out of order, but still in good attempt! :)
Chris left really early on Monday morning for some training he was scheduled for at Cal Pauli in San Louis Obispa California. We were worried about the roads from Sunday's ice storm, but he left super early and got there in great time.
All day on Monday everyone was talking about the big ice storm that was going to be moving in. I was a bit nervous, but hurried home after work, got some candles and flashlights together, turned up the heat a little higher than normal, and we all settled in in the morning. Tuesday monring we woke up to still have electricity, what a nice surpise that was! The weather was not so great and was supposed to get worse throughout the day so I decided to stay home with the girls.
We ate breakfast and was playing in the basement around 9 am when the lights went off. Zoey didn't quite understand this! Nothing was connected for her. She wanted to watch TV downstairs when the upstairs was broken, why didn't we use the toaster for our poptart? Why can't we open the fridge? We read books and played with toys we hadn't played with in a long time!
After a peanut butter on bread and chips lunch, we took a nap. I knew that if by dinner I didn't have electricity I better head into town to stay with family for the girls' sake. Naps were over and still no electricity. I was packing things in the jeep. Oh the things required for us all out for a night! PacknPlay, kennels, clothes, diapers, bottles, formula, baby food, doog food, pullups, pjs, special blankets and pillows. Just as I was carrying everything to the car, the lights came back on!!!!! I was SO thankful!
We fixed a warm dinner, and I got everything put away, and got the girls to bed. Just as I was taking the dogs out for the last time and got them back in their kennels, POOF! there went the lights again. So we had electricity from around 4:30 to about 8:45. Everyone was in bed, and it was fairly warm in the house so I knew we would just stick it out. It was a long night.
Zoey didn't like the dark much so she stayed in bed with me. Cadee's not much of a cuddler so she was better off staying in her crib. She didn't care for the dark or the cold bottles, so I left a flashlight in her room until she'd fall asleep and then turn it off again. Zoey was content just touching me even though it was SO dark that you couldn't see a hand in front of your nose. All night long I enviously listened to the neighbors generator.......
6:30 am came and still no lights. I called Bobbie's house and she had electricity! We were packing up and heading to town. I covered the dogs kennels up with blankets, and started some water in the sinks, and prayed for the best. I stuck with main roads and made it to Bobbie's safely.
Chris had called our electric company and heard that it would be 2-3 days before Auburn got electricity again!!! I had called Craig and made arrangements to stay with them tonight. After doing some talking and brainstorming though, I had decided that a generator was a sound investment for our home! :) Calling around, Chris found that they had a prepayment waiting list at Sears so I ran out there and pre-purchased me a generator! At lunch I went and bought some gas cans, gas, and extra electric cords.
Bobbie called around 2:30 to let me know that Cadee had awoken with a fever so I had to come and pick them up. My boss Bill was such an angel and offered to go and pick up the generator and come out and help me get it setup. What a lifesaver!!!!!
I couldn't figure it out, Cadee was happy as a lark, but burning up? After a bottle and an hour nap, she woke up okay. But my co-worker this morning reminded me that when I took her in for her year shots last week, they told me in 10 days that she might have a fever and rash from the vaccinations. I knew then that I would forget, but after this week, I had totally forgotten!
Anway, after going to the store because I figured we'd have another dark evening we got home.
5 MINUTES AFTER WE WALKED IN THE DOOR the electricity turned on! I was mentally prepared for 2-3 more days, but what a blessing, but I felt like such a doof! Bill still came out later and helped me get the generator setup in case we needed it. There is still so much ice on

the trees it would only take another one falling. And the night before we had lost electricity about 9 pm, so it was so nice to have that available regardless.
We are so blessed, so many people concerned and checking on us and offering to help. I felt very loved. At the same time, I am so ready for Chris to get home!! There is suppsed to be more snow coming in Friday afternoon, so I just pray he can travel home safely soon.
(Don't mind the oil I dripped while using the funnel to fill it up.) :)