A couple of weeks ago my boss had a department get together out at his farm, and Zoey just fell in love with this kitten and he was so tolerant just letting him her carry him all around. You don't find many cats that will put up with the roughness of a 3 year old like that so it wasn't a week later and we asked Bill if we could adopt him. He was just glad to get one of them off his hands! :)
Willie was obviously our first born and so he has some (not much, but some :) priority, so it was so important to me and all of us that it works out. So we had Max declawed so that Willie's eyes would not be endanger.
We are really enjoying the "Max & Ruby" books and tv show, so Max seemed like a great fitting name. So instead of Max and Ruby.... we have Max and Willie. :)
Cadee likes to try and touch him, but he's too quick for her. So cute though!
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